Reviewing recordings is advisable to ensure all vital insights are captured accurately. Even though NEXT AI is proficient at identifying highlights, it's not infallible and might occasionally miss or misinterpret details. However, with numerous recordings, keeping track of which have been reviewed or are still pending becomes a challenge.
Recording labels simplifies this, helping users monitor their review progress efficiently. Think of labels as digital markers, allowing you to quickly understand the review status of each recording, thereby streamlining your workflow.
Benefits of Using Labels
Quick Scanning: Users can eliminate the tedious task of diving deep into each interview. By simply scanning the labels, the review status of each recording becomes apparent.
Search Capabilities: With labels in place, users can effortlessly find and filter recordings based on their review status.
Enhanced Workflow: By clearly marking recordings that have been reviewed, users can avoid reviewing the same recording twice.
How to Label Your Recordings
Review the Highlights: After uploading a recording, our AI identifies potential sections of interest, termed "highlights". Users should review these highlights by deleting, adding new ones, or adjusting their interpretations the highlight title.
Apply a Label: Once the highlights have been reviewed, add the label in the header of the recording page.
Choose a Label Name: We suggest using the label "Reviewed" to indicate that a recording has been checked. However, users are free to use any term they find suitable. For a quicker visual cue, consider incorporating emojis into your labels, such as:
🟢 Reviewed
,🔴 Pending
,🟡 In-Progress
Filter Recordings by Status
Within the Recording Library:
Enter the desired label name, for instance, "Reviewed".
The system will display all recordings tagged with the
🟢 Reviewed
label, allowing users to access them with ease.
Advanced workflows
While most teams will be well-served with above simple review process, the versatility of this feature allows for more intricate workflows to cater to specific needs. With customizable labels, you can create workflows tailored to your team's requirements and optimize the review process further.
Examples of Advanced Workflows:
Multi-user Review Process: If your review process requires multiple stakeholders, labels can help track the review stages. For instance, after an interviewer checks a recording, it can be labeled as
Reviewed by Interviewer
. The next stage might require a product owner's review; once completed, it can be markedReviewed by Product Owner
. This ensures clarity on who has reviewed the recording and what steps remain.Priority Labeling: If certain recordings are more urgent than others, use labels like
1️⃣High Priority
or⚠️Urgent Review Needed
to help team members identify which recordings should be addressed first.Feedback Stages: Use labels to highlight recordings that require feedback or revisions, like
💬Feedback Needed
or👀Revisions Requested
. This helps centralize and streamline the feedback process, ensuring no recording is overlooked.
These are just a few examples, and the beauty of customizable labels lies in their adaptability. By understanding your team's unique needs and challenges, you can leverage labels to craft an efficient, tailored review process.