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Share to Productboard

Integrate with Productboard to easily share data from NEXT as insights to your Productboard workspace.

Rick avatar
Written by Rick
Updated over 12 months ago

NEXT's integration with Productboard enables you to effortlessly create Insights (or Notes) in Productboard by sending AI chat responses, highlights, or clusters directly from NEXT. This feature ensures that the rich insights from customer interactions, including both text (e.g., highlight descriptions, chats, etc.) and video (highlight clips), are made accessible in Productboard.

Why share to Productboard?

Many NEXT customers additionally use Productboard for prioritizing what goes into their backlog – essentially an idea or insights backlog. These insights and ideas typically come from discovery work the product team conducted, such as interviews, user tests, etc. Before NEXT, teams would manually enter ideas, insights and assumptions into Productboard without a link back to the original source (the interview). With NEXT, you can automate the flow and populate Productboard with insights from NEXT directly, while retaining the link to the original source.

How to Set Up the Productboard Integration

Connecting Productboard requires setting up an integration with your personal NEXT account. This setup is slightly different from integrations like Jira or Linear, because those are set up on a teamspace level. Once you've set up Productboard in your personal settings, you can leverage it in any teamspace.

Here's how to set it up:

  • Log in to NEXT

  • Access the left side menu by clicking on the hamburger icon at the top left corner

  • Click Personal settings

  • Scroll down to Integrations

  • Find and click on Productboard

  • Click Connect to initiate the integration

  • Enter your Productboard workspace URL and sign in with your Productboard username and password

  • On the screen stating "NEXT is requesting permissions to access Productbaord workspace", click Authorize

  • The Productboard x NEXT integration is now set up πŸŽ‰

  • You'll be redirected back to NEXT

How to Use the Productboard Integration

Once the Productboard integration is established, you can begin creating Insights (Notes) in Productboard directly from NEXT. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the item you wish to share (e.g., a chat response or selected highlights)

  • Click the Share button

  • Select Create note in Productboard from the sharing options

  • Productboard will open and a note will be automatically created based on what you chose to share

Recap of Productboard x NEXT 🎬

Here's a quick video recap video of how to set up Productboard and start sharing:

ℹ️ In case you have any questions about our Productboard integration or are curious about how to best leverage it for your work, feel free to reach out to us via the chat (pink bubble right bottom corner) or email us at

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